‹ Tuesday, April 5, 2022 › | |
›8:30 (30min)
›9:00 (45min)
Gold Sponsors Presentations
GREENWOOD: "The TSD measurements at high resolution: strains, cracks and joints at short intervals" Dr. Nikolaj Ravn ; DYNATEST : "The Dynatest FastFWD for in-situ APT applications" Marco Francesconi ; ARA: "Accelerated Transportation Loading System (ATLaS) Overview and Latest Developments" Dr. Alvaro Ulloa › ROOM 300
›9:45 (40min)
80 year of Accelerated Pavement Testing in Sweden - Historical overview and new prospect
Keynote Lecture by Dr. Sigurdur Erlingsson, Professor at VTI (Sweden) and at the University of Iceland › ROOM 300
›11:00 (1h40)
6. Testing of Maintenance and Rehabilitation Solutions
Session Chair 7: Dr. Dirk Jansen, Head of Section 'Design and Structure of Pavements' · Federal Highway Research Institute BASt (Germany) › ROOM 300
›11:00 (1h40)
8. Instrumentation and Data Processing
Session Chair 8: Dr. Stephan Romanoschi, Professor at the University of Texas at Arlington (USA) › ROOM 150
›14:00 (1h40)
7. Data Analysis and Modelling
Session Chair 9: Dr. Olivier Chupin, Senior Researcher at the Université Gustave Eiffel (France) › ROOM 300
›14:00 (1h40)
9. Monitoring & NDT + 10. APT of Innovative Solutions
Session Chair 10: Dr. Imad Al-Qadi, Bliss Professor of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA) › ROOM 150
›16:15 (1h40)
7. Data Analysis and Modelling
Session Chair 11: Dr. Christophe Petit, Professeur at the Université de Limoges (France) › ROOM 300
›16:15 (1h40)
9. Monitoring and non Destructive Testing
Session Chair 12: Pierre Hornych, Université Gustave Eiffel (France) › ROOM 150
›17:55 (30min)
Summary of Sunday APT workshops & Organizing April 6th information
Pierre Hornych, Responsible for Technical Actions and Innovation - Road referent at MAST Department of the Université Gustave Eiffel (France) › ROOM 300
Session | Speech | Logistics | Break | Tour |