Programme > Keynote Lecturers

Many thanks to the following distinguished scientists for their great keynote lectures!

Professor Imad Al Qadi

Dr. Imad L. Al-Qadi is Bliss Professor of Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Director of Advanced Transportation Research and Engineering Laboratory, and founding Director of the Center for Transportation and Smart Transportation Infrastructure Initiative.

Prior to joining UIUC, Dr. A-Qadi was the Via Professor at Virginia Tech. He has authored/coauthored more than 750 publications, led more than 150 projects to completion and is managing about 60 projects annually. He is IJPE Editor-in-Chief and former president of ASCE T&DI Board of Governors. Dr. A-Qadi, has received numerous prestigious awards including NSF Young Investigator Award, IGS Award, ASCE Laurel Prize, ARTBA Steinberg Award, ASCE Turner Award, ASCE Air Transportation Honorjeff Award, TRR of the National Academies D. Grant Mickle Award, and French Limoges Medal. He is a chapter Honorary Member of Chi Epsilonan Emeritus at the University of Illinois, an Honorary Member of the Societa italiana Infrastructure Viarie, Member of TRB, life member of AAPT and an Honorary Professor at several Universities in Europe, Middle East, and Asia. In 2010, he was elected to the ASCE highest honor, Distinguished Member.

 Keynote : APT and Future of Mobility

Professor Sigurdur Erlingsson

Dr. Sigurdur Erlingsson is a Professor at VTI – the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute and linked to KTH – The Royal Institute of Technology. He is further a Professor at University of Iceland.

In his research, Dr. Erlingsson, has been responsible for VTI´s APT facility consisting of an HVS of type MARK IV. He is further responsible for three instrumented in-service roads with heavy traffic in Northern Sweden.

The topic of his talk will be on thin flexible pavements response to heavy loads, instrumentation and modelling and their deterioration in harsh climatic environment.

Keynote : 80 year of Accelerated Pavement Testing in Sweden - Historical overview and new prospect


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